Sus Campiniae, which is Latin for ‘pig from the Kempen region’, is a pig slaughterhouse in Oevel, Belgium. Our brand new, state-of-the-art production site, was opened in 2017 and is the largest and most modern of its kind in Belgium. We use the best and latest machines and techniques. We are mainly a servicing production site that delivers carcasses to Noordvlees Group and Groep Vanden Avenne.

2 million pigs per year (50% Noordvlees Group, 50% Groep Vanden Avenne)

Around 100 employees

7 export licences outside the EU

6 quality labels and certificates

Every single day, our employees are committed to providing people all over the world with a healthy and tasty piece of pork.

We produce pork in a sustainable and qualitative manner, with respect for people, animals and the environment. We invest and modernize continuously, and we aim for impeccable traceability.